Saturday, October 14, 2023

Kissinger: 'P J Buchanan Is Right'

 Nixon's one grave mistake acknowledges his own grave mistake.

...longtime kingpin of the globalist movement Henry Kissinger walked back his previous position on the importance of keeping Western nations open to refugee flows and said the events of recent days showed nations had gone too far. 

 Kissinger said: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that”....

Buchanan warned constantly about admitting people whose religious beliefs and cultural norms were generally incompatible with those of the United States because religion (cult) is the father of culture.

Bad enough that the culture of the US was growing more secular and materialist on its own, without importing more trouble.  Trump understood the immigration danger, too--and got elected for that understanding.

Grim adds a clarifying graf:

... Muslims can aspire to political liberalism, and adopt a view of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Absolutely, if you are a political liberal, there's nothing more fundamental than the view that all people deserve dignity and rights. The question is what you do when your neighbors are not political liberals. Some neighbors don't accept that you have dignity, or even believe in political rights; and indeed, hold that it's not only fine but desirable to kill you, your children and your elderly. 

There's no logical contradiction here that would entail Aristotelian sophistication to entertain. If they were liberals, then you could live in a liberal order. Muslims can be, have been, liberals too. It only works out if that prerequisite has been satisfied....

Keep your eyes on Dearborn, which is a bellwether. 


  1. ....Buchanan warned constantly about admitting people whose religious beliefs and cultural norms were generally incompatible with those of the United States because religion (cult) is the father of culture.....

    Ya mean like folks who think MORE govt is the answer for everything?

  2. Yes, well......Nixon created EPA. Carter created DOE. Bush created Homeland 'Security.'

    Love of Mo'Gummint is inbred in politicians. In order to remain in office, they have to find voters who agree, and that is one of the two reasons for unlimited illegal immigration.
