Thursday, October 19, 2023

Egypt vs. Biden and the W.E.F.

 The Treehouse reviews recent Egyptian history to help us understand the real agenda in the Middle East.  He makes only one error, which we'll mention below.

The King of Jordan, the King of Saudi Arabia, and the President of Egypt refused to meet with Biden a couple of days ago.  Refused.


The people using the disposable one-term Biden want a “broader regional conflict,” and the people in the region like Abdullah, Sisi and MbS are very clear-eyed on who is actually in control.

There is an alignment of interests within the goals of the ideologues and the goals of the WEF multinationals.

The Muslim Brotherhood ideology and the WEF financial interests are in alignment, and the Zookeepers are well aware....

Recall that Egypt "elected" a member of the Muslim Brotherhood to the presidency in 2011.  Obama was the President at the time, and you can bet your entire retirement cache that Obama and the Globalists/CIA made that happen.

Naturally, things went to Hell in Egypt.  Inter alia:

...Emboldened by their new president, the Muslim Brotherhood began slaughtering Coptic Christians throughout Egypt, even going as far as to begin crucifixions on the trees in front of the Presidential palace....

Morsi was going hard-line Shari'a.  

 ...Their final straw was when President Morsi took it upon himself to disband the moderate and secular Egyptian court system.  Mohammed Morsi began to oust a large number of Egyptian judges.  His goal, as publicly stated, was to put Sharia Law as the legal basis for his rule, and all legal authority, over the Egyptian people....

Then the Egyptian public demanded a change.  There was a coup-d'-etat; a General of the Army took charge and began reversing all of Morsi's (Obama's) changes.  In 2014, a new election was held, and General Al-Sisi was elected with about 3 times the votes that Morsi got in 2010.

Al-Sisi has chased down and eradicated Muslim Brotherhood figures all over the Middle East, and has put Qatar on a leash, to some extent.  He has signed legislation granting full rights to ALL Egyptians, not just the Muslims.  And he has been very fair to Israel, largely due to their parallel objectives vis-a-vis extreme Mohammedanism.

Treehouse maintains that Israel is in grave danger, perhaps existential danger at this time.

Maybe, but that would require Egypt to change its direction, along with Saudi Arabia and Jordan.  We don't think that's likely.  Of course, since Biden is the sock-puppet for the Deep State Globalists/WEF, and they would very much like to eradicate Israel......

We'll see.

UPDATE:  Ace has a piece which shows you how tight Obama is with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization.  Pertinent material is near the end of the post:

...The late, great Rich Higgins had been an EOD specialist in the Army before becoming a Pentagon intelligence officer -- unfortunately, during the Obama years.

He used to rant that in every single briefing he'd give about the threat posed by Islamic terrorists, there would be literal Islamic terrorists in the room, taking notes, vetoing proposals.

Like, if Rich pointed out that terrorists were fond of, I don't know, quoting a specific Sura of the Koran, so that's something to look out for, the terrorists would say, "No, you cannot make that part of the information package for intelligence officers, that's Islamophobic and haram."

Our terrorist-identification protocols were being vetted and edited by terrorists.

And when I say they were terrorists, I don't mean they were spies in disguise. I mean, under Obama, agents of the Muslim Brotherhood -- known agents, open agents -- were part of every security briefing to make sure Allah wasn't being disrespected by the infidel.

They did not sneak their way into the briefing. Obama specifically sought out Muslim Brotherhood agents as special advisors on the United States policies in fighting... well, the Muslim Brotherhood, among others.

He would tell me funny stories like someone in the briefing saying "This next part is top secret classified, so do not discuss this with anyone outside this room," and he'd say, "The Muslim Brotherhood is literally in the room right now. There are four of them in the second row. Who the fuck do you think you're keeping this secret from?"

So that was Obama. And now that's Biden.

Oh, and that's why the FBI spends all of its time surveilling Christians and conservatives now -- Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood wanted to turn the agency's attention to focus on "the Real Terrorists."...

Isn't TREASON written into Federal law for a reason--like, for example, people such as Obama and Biden (and many of their handmaiden-boys??)

Yes, yes, indeed.  It's there.




  1. Americans will not admit their govt have been taken over by a jewish group that are persuing a ZIONIST agenda, however the middle east know who are in charge

    Our current military are feckless cowards, but well paid prostitutes, (current and retired)

  2. Again I am reminded of the wisdom of past.

    `When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less.' `The question is,' said Alice, `whether you CAN make words mean so many different things.' `The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, `which is to be master-- that's all.'

    You say TREASON and Biden says God Save the Queen. A master wordsmith that man.
