Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Two-Fisted Cdl. Mueller

 Formerly the head of Doctrine & Dogma, now 'retired' from that slot, Cdl. Mueller will be a participant in the Synod of Bishops.  And he has some things to say before the final convening of same in October.

Q-Are there more and more bishops and faithful expressing concern about what might happen during this Synod?

A-Yes, the false prophets (nebulous ideologues) who present themselves as progressives have announced that they will turn the Catholic Church into an aid organization for the 2030 Agenda. In their opinion, only a Church without Christ fits into a world without God. Many young people returned from Lisbon disappointed that the focus was no longer on salvation in Christ, but on a worldly doctrine of salvation. Apparently, there are even bishops who no longer believe in God as the origin and end of man and the Savior of the world, but who, in a pan naturalistic or pantheistic way, consider the so-called Mother Earth as the beginning of existence, and climate neutrality as the goal of planet earth.....

That'll leave a mark or two.

But he wasn't finished.

Q-Do you think that changes in matters of faith and doctrine can be approved, as some groups and movements within the Church claim?

A-No one on earth can change, add to, or take away from the Word of God. As successors of the apostles, the Pope and the bishops must teach the people what the earthly and Risen Christ, the only Teacher, has commanded them to do. And it is only in this sense that the promise that the heavenly host and the Head of His body always remain with his disciples (Mt 28:19). People confuse — not surprisingly, given the lack of basic theological education even among bishops — the content of faith and its unsurpassable fullness in Christ with the progressive theological reflection and growth of the Church's understanding of faith throughout the ecclesiastical tradition (Dei Verbum 8-10). The infallibility of the Magisterium extends only to the preservation and faithful interpretation of the mystery of faith entrusted once and for all to the Church (depositum fidei [deposit of faith] or sound doctrine, the teaching of the Apostles). The Pope and the bishops do not receive a new revelation (Lumen Gentium 25, Dei Verbum 10.)...

 And then there's this:

Q-What would happen if, for example, the Synodal Assembly approved the blessing of homosexual couples, a change in sexual morality, the elimination of the obligatory nature of priestly celibacy or allowing the female diaconate?

Would you accept it?

A- Priestly celibacy must be removed from this list, since the connection of the sacrament of Holy Orders with the charism of voluntary renunciation of marriage is not dogmatically necessary, although this ancient tradition of the Latin Church cannot be arbitrarily abolished with the stroke of a pen, as the Council Fathers expressly underlined at the Vatican Council (Presbyterorum Ordines, 16). And the noisy agitators are rarely concerned with priestless communities being saved, but rather with attacking this evangelical advice, which they consider anachronistic or even inhumane in a sexually enlightened age. To bless the immoral behavior of persons of the same or opposite sex is a direct contradiction of God's Word and will; it is a gravely sinful blasphemy. The sacrament of Holy Orders at the levels of episcopate, presbyterate and diaconate can provide divine power....

The Cardinal also stomped the "female deacons" movement:

... Only a baptized man whose vocation has been verified by the Church as to its authenticity can receive the right. Such demands that receive a majority vote would be obsolete a priori. Nor could they be implemented in canon law by the whole college of bishops with the Pope or by the Pope alone because they contradict [divine] Revelation and the clear confession of the Church....

Abp. "Kissy" Fernandez is heard weeping in the corner of the room.

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