Thursday, September 28, 2023

Paul Ryan Knows "Losing" Well

In the 'non-self awareness' championship race, here's Paul Ryan:

...Former Republican President Donald Trump is a bad presidential candidate for both practical and principled reasons, Ryan said, adding that he thinks there is still a "reasonable chance" the former president won't earn the party's nomination in 2024.


"We lose with this guy," Ryan said, pointing to Republicans' national track record since Trump's 2016 election....

Paul Ryan, the man with a plan to "fix Social Security."

Also the man with a plan to "fix deficit spending."

Also the man with a plan to become Vice-President.

Yah, Paul.  You can define "losing", because "losing" is something you do very well.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan is well paid.

    Let’s hope who ever pays his way loses money…. Bigly
