Friday, July 28, 2023

Trump's Agenda 47

If you only pay attention to MSNBC/CNN/NBC/CBS/ABC (the Clown Networks) you'd never know that Donald Trump actually has an agenda. That's because they don't want you to know.  It's selective coverage.  You DO know that some jackwad DoJ loser is trying to indict him for pretend offenses, right?  That's what they select for you to know.

So we'll highlight a few of his items.  All of them can be found here.

>Repatriate manufacturing of critical medicines from unstable or inimical foreign sources.

>Roll back electric vehicle manufacturing mandates to save US manufacturing jobs and allow the market to work.

>Reduce college costs and reduce DEI/Marxist college class offerings through better-targeted college grants and college-loan programs.

>Force Big Pharma to sell drugs at "best price"--the ones they offer to Canada, e.g.

>Institute FAIR TRADE policies instead of free-trade disasters.

>Impound budgeted moneys to reduce the bloat of Fed agencies.

>Address the rise of chronic childhood disease.

>End birth tourism/automatic citizenship for illegals born in the US

>Liberate Americans from the regulatory onslaught of the Far Left.

>Slash trade deficits

>Stop the war-mongers and globalists.

>Crack down hard on illegal immigration/cartels/sex-and-drug trafficking.

Can he get all that done in 4 years?  Maybe.  Should some American President do it?  Yes.  Would that President be Biden?  NopeNewsom?  NopeAny other Democrat wack-doodle (pick one, they're all the same)?  NopeWhat about the Republican competition?  Nope.  (They all fail the Globaloney Test and none of them have a viable plan to shut down the Administrative State.)

So yah.  Trump for President.

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