Friday, July 21, 2023

Bp. Sheen Speaks To the Current Crises

One wonders what is 'holding up' the canonization of Bp. Fulton Sheen.

This excerpt is from his book Remade for Happiness, (1946) re-published by Ignatius Press.

....I believe that if the grace of God did not give me the fullness of Truth, and I were looking for it, I would begin my search by looking through the world for a Church that did not get along with the evil in the world!  If that Church was accused of countless lies, hated because it refused to compromise, ridiculed because it refused to fit the times and not all time, I would suspect that since it was hated by what is evil in the world, it therefore was good and holy; and if it is good and holy, it must be Divine.  And I would sit down at its fountains and begin to drink the Waters of everlasting life....

The USCC condemned 'sex transition procedures,' and has been clear about gay "marriage" and the fact that homosexuality is a grave disorder, too.

Earlier this week, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Doctrine released a document condemning various gender-affirming medical procedures for transgender, nonbinary, and intersex individuals. The bishops’ committee mandates that Catholic health providers cannot perform gender-affirming procedures, including surgeries or chemical treatments. 

In this 14-page document, titled “Doctrinal Note on the Moral Limits to Technological Manipulation of the Human Body,” the bishops’ committee claims that “technological interventions” to repair or restore a “defect” of the body are morally licit, and that medical interventions requiring “mutilation” may be licit depending on certain criteria, especially if “fundamental human order” isn’t altered or impacted. However, the committee argues that procedures to treat gender dysphoria aren’t morally acceptable because they attempt to change or transform the body and treat a false disorder. The committee also emphasizes natural law theology and argues that gender-affirming procedures disrupt this “fundamental human order” and disrespect the “sex differentiation” of the human body. ...

The above is from "Call to Action" (still around, eh?) so what follows that excerpt is their outright condemnation of the Bishops, as you might expect from superannuated hippies such as CTA.

Bp. Sheen also called the present national crisis:

....If you do not know the truth of the nature of man, you will not be free to act as a man.

That is why as men become indifferent to right and wrong, disorder and chaos increase, and the State steps in to organize the chaos by force. Dictatorships arise in such a fashion. Such is the essence of Socialism, the compulsory organization of chaos.....

We've mentioned Chaos a few times here in the last several months, for good reason. It's present these days, and the Biden Administration is pushing Chaos to the limit, hoping for a serious reaction so they can unleash the Martial Law option.

People raising children now are seriously screwed.


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