Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Bergoglio & Biden Wrecking Company

You could switch names and spheres here.

Speaking of Francis I's tactical maneuvers which eventually will lead to the strategic excommunication of traditionalist Catholics, Abp. Vigano said this:

...the Pope’s aim is “to create confrontation, let it grow, encourage the supporters of the most extreme requests with appointments and promotions.” This, he stated, would lead to a “predictable reaction of condemnation” from the “few good remaining bishops, priests, and religious,” who by doing so would encounter “Bergoglio’s trap door.”...

The 'trap door' is excommunication.

This is the M.O. of the Biden Administration, too.  He/they have done everything in their power to create confrontation over matters racial and sexual, have appointed 'most extreme' psychopaths to high-level positions, and are--frankly--trolling for a violent reaction.

Then comes the dictatorship.


  1. Fr Altman

    Catholic Priest Who Says “You Can’t Be Catholic and Democrat” Says “Pope Francis Is Not the Pope”


    Altman is right, Bergoglio is not the Pope.

    Disagree? Prove me wrong.


  2. You don’t get a nickname from Jesus like "Sons of Thunder" for no reason at all
