Saturday, May 27, 2023

Lying About Tariffs: It's What Globalists Do

 As usual, Sundance sees the real picture, which is something that Radio Boyzzz avoid.

...At a national level there is a unique policy priority that almost every politician, on both sides, will avoid discussing.

At a national level a single policy priority determines all other national policy outlooks.  That policy is the national economic policy.

The national economic policy of a presidential candidate determines all other policies that flow from the presidential candidate.  The national economic policy impacts the obvious policies like energy and trade, and also determines the lesser obvious policies like regulation and even foreign policy.

It is specifically because a candidate’s national economic outlook impacts all other issues, that most federal candidates and politicians never talk about it....

Yah, we know that.  It's a lot easier to rant about 'inflation' e.g., than to point out the 535 + 1 reasons why we have it, right?  Besides that, if you seriously discuss a National Economic Policy which benefits--oh, I dunno--the nation--then you will upset the Major Money people who are Globalist Profiteers.


...President Trump broke the rule and even went so far as to campaign on an America First economic policy agenda.  That core outlook forms the Make America Great Again foundation.  MAGA is based on a national economic policy outlook that determines every other national policy as carried by President Trump....

We're getting around to tariffs! might remember the apoplectic fits from financial and economic punditry to President Trump’s 2017 and 2018 steel and aluminum tariffs.

Economic security is determined by national economic policy.  National security is also an outcome of national economic policy.  Again, President Trump was also the first modern president to put that outlook to work when he said, “Economic security is national security,” and then began constructing a foreign policy agenda using the cornerstone of national economic policy.  The result was quite remarkable and led to what eventually became the Trump Doctrine.

It was inherently the US national economic policy that underpinned President Trump challenging NATO to meet their financial obligations.  It was national economic policy that drove trade policy and created the north American USMCA trade agreement.  It was national economic policy that led to countervailing duties on Chinese and European imports.  Which had the remarkable effect of actually lowering prices inside the United States.

We began importing deflation through lower priced goods as the value of the dollar increased and China/EU central banks devalued their currency to avoid the impact of tariffs.  Asia and the EU also subsidized their export manufacturing with incentives in order to lower costs as an offset to the tariffs, while simultaneously Asian and European companies began investing in production facilities inside the U.S. as a long-term approach to retaining access to the U.S. market. To put it succinctly, this was MAGAnomics at work.

U.S. wages increased, U.S. job growth increased, U.S. energy prices dropped with increased energy development and a massive cut in regulations, and that in turn lowered the cost of domestic goods.  Suddenly we were importing goods at lower prices and generating goods internally at lower prices.  More MAGAnomic outcomes, which, not coincidentally, was the exact opposite of all Wall Street claims and predictions....

So we got more jobs, lower prices, abundant energy, ........what's the matter with that?  A lot, if you ask the multi-nationals!

...Multimillion-dollar lobbyist firms like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable, along with dozens of economically established SuperPACs funded by Wall Street and multinational corporations, are vehemently opposed to the America First economic agenda....

...All of the national politicians and political candidates taking money from these aforementioned groups necessarily bind themselves to a position that stands against the America First economic agenda.

In essence, if you take money from the multinationals, you cannot deliver on MAGA economic outcomes for banking, trade, finance etc.  And that’s exactly where we run into the problem....

There are consequences to that little factoid.

...MAGAnomics is the core of the great MAGA Republican coalition, a working class coalition that cuts through all other distinctions and divisions. ...

This reality creates a problem for the DC professional political class and the corporate media. Because MAGAnomics is the fundamentally binding principle, there is no way to fracture the Trump supporter coalition.

I am a “MAGA Republican” by default of my wanting a national economic agenda that looks out for the economic interests of American’s first....

If Trump stops talking like a 6th-grade playground bully plays his cards right, he simply cannot lose either the nomination OR the general.

Because DeSantis does not share the MAGA philosophy.

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