Thursday, April 13, 2023


 Another day, another lie from the FEEBS.

Back in February, a whistleblower leaked documents showing that the FBI was investigating "radical traditionalist" Catholics as likely terrorists, and planned to infiltrate spies, or recruit informers, among church-goers to become confidential sources surveilling their fellow congregants.

The FBI claimed that this memo "did not meet FBI standards" and claimed it was just the work of a single low-level employee....

Like the Bud Light thang.  Low-level marketing dweeb, yadayada.  Here AOSHQ quotes WRIC News:

 ...The response [to Jordan's request] showed that the FBI's proposal to develop sources within Richmond Catholic churches were reviewed and approved at least two senior intelligence analysts. The memo was also sent to field offices across the country, according to FBI whistleblowers. ...

Oh, ........what?  Senior-level low-level employees?  One hell of an org-chart, eh?

And remember when it was just the cray-crays who mumbled "Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam"?  Smells, bells, candles, and fleets of altar boys?

Not really.

...New internal documents released by the House Judiciary Committee revealed that the FBI worked to develop sources within Christian churches and Catholic dioceses as part of a broader effort to fight so-called domestic terrorism.

"Mainline Catholic parishes" would be specifically targeted, the documents said.

The FEEBS have developed means by which they can spot terrorists.  You've seen it on TeeVee, and it works just like that in real life, too!

So they want to help Catholics see (and report on) the cray-crays who attend Mass with them.  (Quoting FoxNews:)

...And, in another example, the agency cited a desire to to sensitize religious congregations "to the warning signs of radicalization and enlist their assistance to serve as suspicious activity tripwires."...

Just like the Stasi!

Aren't you proud of this bunch?

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