Sunday, April 23, 2023

Bill Maher on Underly & Evers

Didn't know Bill Maher heard about Jill 'Troubled' Underly and Tony Evers.

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that Democrats have to answer for failures in the education system and that spending more money won’t solve the education issue.

Maher said, “I also read this week in the paper, one in three children in America cannot read at a basic level of comprehension. 85% of black students lack proficiency in reading skills. We already spend a lot of money on schools, so you’re going to keep telling me more money will fix this? … And it seems like a lot of times the solutions that come from the left seem symbolic. They don’t seem like we’re actually addressing what really needs to be done, [which] is get kids learning, get them reading, get them able to have a job.”...

Underly and Evers prefer that the kids remain on the Democrat plantation.  That's why Underly (the 'Troubled one') wants 6-year-olds to learn about Spectrum Sex in Waukesha.

1 comment:

  1. Bill Maher Admits Abortion is Murder.

    Recently on his show, Bill Maher shocked his audience in admitting that pro-lifers are correct: “They think it’s murder—and it kind of is.” The audience enters a nervous silence. Then he adds a shocking line: “I’m just okay with that.” The audience enters another nervous silence, not sure if he’s joking. But he is not. He adds:

    “There’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry, we won’t miss you.”
