Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The WI Supreme Court Election

Wigderson and the rest of the Republican Poohbah Crowd (yesterday's bunch) continue to flog The Suburban Housewife as the determining factor in elections.

We'll get a very good test of that in the SCOWI election upcoming.

It's our conviction that the Suburban Housewife who votes Democrat (Protasiewicz) is actually a Suburban Abortion Advocate, voting that way for either her personal freedom to kill babies OR that of her daughter(s).

And that's the audience No-Jail Janet must motivate.  She already has the college kids, and that's about it, other than the aged-out and rapidly diminishing number of (D)-no-matter-what voters.

Big Labor membership, outside of the public 'servant' unions, is not on her side.  Minorities?  They won't vote in any appreciable number (but there will be a lot of fraud which claims to be votes.)

But Protasiewicz' screaming ads on abortion, abortion, abortion, abortion, will be a put-off for many voters who are not R or D loyalists; so the question is this:  will "suburban housewives" turn out really, really, bigly?

The other question:  how much election fraud can the Democrats get away with this time?

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