Friday, March 24, 2023

Next Time Someone Quotes Foucault.....

Sophisticates, such as Yale and Hahhhhvahhhhd grads (and the cabbage-patch sophisticates of Georgetown, the U of Wisconsin, and any UC campus) often quote Michel Foucault because........because.  He's a Communist 'philosopher', after all, and he advocated for the abolition of prisons.  Apparently a lot of District Attorneys believe in him because they're abolishing prisons by abolishing prison terms, which is a distinction without a difference.


...Two years after Foucault wrote ‘Discipline and Punish’, the book described by many defunders as the founding text for the prison abolition movement, he signed a petition calling for legalizing sex with 13-year-olds. This was not a one-time event. Foucault had signed another petition “calling for the freedom of three men accused of sex with boys and girls between age twelve and fifteen” as part of his vocal activism on behalf of legalizing the act of molesting children.

Foucault’s interest in prison abolition for pedophiles was not strictly objective. A decade earlier, he had been sexually abusing eight-year-olds in Tunisia.

“They were eight, nine, ten years old, he was throwing money at them and would say ‘let’s meet at 10pm at the usual place’” a former comrade related. “He would make love there on the gravestones with young boys....

Where "make love" is nice-nice for "RAPE."

Foucault defined what we now call "narrative."

... A structuralist in theory, Foucault left behind a philosophy that posits that the circumstances in which ideas are constituted are integral to our understanding of them.

 Ideas in important areas of society such as art, literature, science, and education had been developing rapidly since the Enlightenment. He assigned this shift to a change in discourse. Discourses, together with the social practices, forms of subjectivity, and power relations within a society at a certain time, constitute knowledge itself. Knowledge is the way of speaking, learning and understanding at a given time in history.

 When discourse changes, new ideas in areas ranging from pedagogy to jurisprudence are given force, overtaking old ‘legacy systems’ with earth-shattering and often regular success....

(Read "narrative" for "discourse.")

He is accurately called a "deconstructionist" because his system of understanding preferred "deconstructing" those 'legacy systems' which we refer to as traditional norms and mores.

Now you understand why he deconstructed?  He was justifying his own horrific practices.

Boy-rapist and idol of today's Soros DA's.  Hmmmmm.

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