Sunday, March 12, 2023

Leggies Vote "NO!!" On Meningitis Vaxx

Congrats to the Wisconsin JCAR!!

...Wisconsin lawmakers blocked a new meningitis vaccine requirement and ended the emergency power the state’s public health department had over the chickenpox.

The Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules Thursday voted to suspend the Department of Health Service’s new vaccine rules....

...JCRAR chief Sen. Steve Nass, R-Whiterwater, said the decision to suspend the rules is a victory both for parents and for the rule of law in Wisconsin.

“JCRAR, once again, met its oversight duty relating to the improper actions taken by DHS to enact binding administrative code provisions that were arbitrary and capricious, as well as, placing undue hardships on the families of this state,” Nass said in a statement....

The Totalitarian Party is not pleased.

... “Wisconsin Republicans continue to spit in the face of science and public health,” Sen. Chris Larson, D-Milwaukee, said on Twitter. “Today, 6 members of an obscure committee voted to repeal the meningitis vaccine requirement for 7th graders, despite recent outbreaks in the U.S. which have killed people.”...

There were ~350 cases of meningitis (viral and bacterial combined) in the entire USA during 2018.  39 people died, only 4 of which were under the age of 23.  Talk about 'obscure'!

Parents retain the right to have their children jabbed for meningitis (and chickenpox).  They also have the right to refuse same.  That's as it should be in a rightly-ordered society--something that the Totalitarians fear like a silver crucifix.  

1 comment:

  1. meanwhile on Spring break more vaccine issues appear..

    First, Pray for the repose of the soul of Reginald


    1. Did the Covid Vaccine Kill Reginald?

    2. Can and should Reginald's family sue the crap out of
    Xavier University of Cioncinnati?

    Lets talk about Reginald Tomas Lee, PhD Teaching Professor, Business Analytics and Information Systems at Xavier University: 513-745-2978

    Link to his home page at Xavier University

    You see Reginald Died Suddenly last week
    while his students were on Spring Break

    Here is link to his obituary.

    Here is a Link to an interview:

    Episode #380: Fifth Interview with Dr. Reginald Lee - Project Profitability

    Link to Reginald’s Fakebook page,

    Reginald was required to take the Death Vaxx in order to stay employed at Xavier University.

    Xavier a supposed Catholic University decided to disregard Catholic Social Teaching on LIFE matters and doubled down on stupid requiring all employees and students to take the experimental Death Jabb.

    Are any COVID-19 vaccines available that are not tested or produced using a cell line derived from an aborted child?

    No, for now, all vaccines for the COVID-19 virus being distributed are produced and/or tested with cell lines that originated from an aborted child. Each person/family must make a prudential decision with an informed conscience and do what is best for you, your family, and your community.
    Supporting Documentation for Catholic Exemptions
