Saturday, February 25, 2023

The Strategy: Get to Anarchy

Here's a thesis which is supportable:  bring the US to anarchy in order to obtain despotism.

...Every would-be despot knows that the quickest way to despotism is to promote anarchy: The reason is simple—anarchy is insupportable. Anarchy is the state of nature; civil society and the rule of law is designed to end the state of nature and the anarchy that makes human life “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Almost any rule is preferable to the state of nature and anarchy. People will choose any rule—even despotism—to prevent anarchy. 

Yet, we see the Biden Administration deliberately promoting crime and race war. It undermines the nation’s sovereignty with its policy of open borders, which promotes illegal immigration—itself a crime leading to further crime. The Biden Administration is also clearly working to destroy the middle class, a long-standing goal of Democratic administrations. Its politicization of the Justice Department and the intelligence agencies is evident, as is its use of government agencies to interfere illegally in American elections. 

Skewing the economy by inflationary pressures to benefit ruling class elites and corporations at the expense of the lower and middle classes, and ensuring that the same ruling elites benefit from corrupt dealing with China, are but a few of the myriad ways the administration actively promotes anarchy. 

The rhetorical trick of all despots in the modern world is to call the new despotism “democracy,” or as some famous tyrants of the recent past called it, “democratic centralism.” Reports to the contrary notwithstanding. Biden is not feeble. His instincts for tyranny are alive and well. As Abraham Lincoln said of democracy: “Allow all the governed an equal voice in the government, and that, and that only is self-government.” We are in a far distant land from the one occupied by the Great Emancipator. ...

That's a very short excerpt from a long-ish essay found here.

The author also posits that Biden is very much in command of his faculties; this is his plan and he's working the plan.

Nah.  Biden has little or nothing to do with it.

This is Obama & Co., with the full (pre-) approval and cooperation of the Deep State.

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