Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Deny Communion to Aborto-Politicians

Cdl. Burke, a Canon lawyer, wrote a short book on the requirement that pro-abortion politicians be denied Communion in the Catholic Church.

...Catholic Action for Faith and Family, a group devoted to defending the principles of the Catholic faith, published Burke’s instructions in book form in “Deny Holy Communion?” The organization’s founder and president, Thomas McKenna, told The Daily Signal that he is mailing a copy to every Catholic clergy member as part of a campaign to inform American bishops, priests, and deacons on the biblical and theological basis of church teaching....

The teaching and practice are 2,000 years old; it's no different in kind from denying Communion to anyone else flagrantly and publicly living in sin (e.g., homosexual "couples", divorced-remarried-without-annulment "couples", etc.)

Few Catholic priests have the courage to implement this; perhaps it's not courage but ignorance.  The book should remedy the latter.

Then there will be no excuses except the usual one:  lucre and 'acceptance' by all the Right People.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who is knowingly pro-abortion should be denied Communion, including those using contraception, which is like 95% of Catholics if you use Ann Barnhardt's statistics

    Ann Barnhardt posted a Ash Wednesday Meditation
    and she talks bout "Shame" and how it is a gift from God.

    It ties in nicely with this post. Well worth the read.

