Sunday, January 15, 2023

Renaissance Popes and the Deep State

Dreher writes a hair-on-fire column about the fate of the Catholic Church under Francis I.  No surprise:  Dreher is a hair-on-fire guy; he bailed out of the Church when he learned that Churchmen actually commit sins.

Yes, that's what he did, and why.  Now he's getting a divorce, by the way.

But he finds nuggets.  Here he quotes historian Barbara Tuchman's take on the Renaissance Popes--which, according to her, led to the Reformation revolution.

...Their three outstanding attitudes — obliviousness to the growing disaffection of constituents, primacy of self-aggrandizement, illusion of invulnerable status — are persistent aspects of folly. While in the case of the Renaissance popes, these were bred in and exaggerated by the surrounding culture, all are independent of time and recurrent in governorship....

We're not going to argue the merits or demerits of Tuchman's overall thesis on the Revolution, but we will point out the parallels with today's Deep State in Mordor on the Potomac.  To one extent or the other, The Permanent Bureaucracy/Deep State and most elected politicians share in the flaws Tuchman itemizes.

Can Revolution be far behind?

1 comment:

  1. A woman puts to words what some of us are convinced of.

    ASK FATHER: I don’t believe Francis is really the Pope. Is it a sin to go to Mass where his name is mentioned?
