Saturday, January 14, 2023

LBGT+ Takes One on the Chops

Looks like Bostock will not over-rule Title IX.

A federal court in Oregon on Thursday upheld a Title IX exception that permits religious universities to receive federal funding even if they follow religious beliefs regarding marriage, sexual identity, and gender....

...Judge Ann Aiken from the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon found that the loophole is “one narrow exception” to Title IX designed by Congress to safeguard institutions controlled by a religious organization and avoid interfering with their convictions that may conflict with the regulations....

 ...While the group made many claims of mistreatment at religious schools, the judge found that the group failed to prove any discriminatory motivation by Congress in enacting the Title IX exemption in question.

“The Court cannot conclude that Plaintiffs’ assertion that ‘Congress enacted the religious exemption to permit discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity,’ is sufficient,” Aiken wrote....

Good decision.  Expect endless appeals accompanied by a typical screaming-in-your-face propaganda campaign.  It's what LBGT+ does. 

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