Friday, December 02, 2022

You'll Get Teh Vaxx From "Friends"

 Oh, goodie!!  Thought you were a PureBlood?

Maybe, maybe not.

...It’s looking like messenger RNA is transferring from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. Just another thing the health experts and fact checkers got wrong....

... there is a great likelihood that mRNA (lipid nanoparticles or within exosomes) is in the bloodstream and is excreted through body fluids including sweat, phlegm and breastmilk. mRNA was also found to pass the transplacental barrier during pregnancy. These shedded lipid nanoparticles are able to penetrate by inhalation, through the skin and orally (through breast milk)....

... Another study looked at vaccine mRNA in the bloodstream. They found vaccine mRNA still circulating in the blood 15 days post-vaccination with no reduction in levels. It wasn’t that on day 16 the mRNA levels decreased, they only looked for 15 days....

Graphic and cites of the literature at the link.

Merry Christmas, Spike-Spreader!


  1. Be not Afraid

    How many times in the bible are told not to be afraid?

  2. Yeah if this is the case why worry. Put your life in God's hands and let it go at that. Everybody's going to die of something, are you going to drive yourself nuts worrying about everything? That's not living. Do your best, eat healthy enough, get exercise every day, try to relax (hah!) and laugh a lot.
    Don't forget to pray to the One who controls it all in the end.

  3. Yah, well. Lived through my first encounter with CoVid (1/21) just after it became The Hot Item. Nasty, but only 2 days moping around with pains, 3 more without pain but easily tired.

    Didn't care then, don't care now.

    Posted this to drive a spike into the "WE CAN FIX IT ALL FOR YOU" crowd of morons.
