Sunday, December 25, 2022

Taibbi on Twitter Docs

Wauck finds Taibbi's reaction to reading the Twitter emails.  Here's a small part:

...A group of us spent the last weeks reading thousands of documents. For me a lot of that time was spent learning how Twitter functioned, specifically its relationships with government. How weird is modern-day America? Not long ago, CIA veterans tell me, the information above the “tearline” of a U.S. government intelligence cable would include the station of origin and any other CIA offices copied on the report.

I spent much of today looking at exactly similar documents, seemingly written by the same people, except the “offices” copied at the top of their reports weren’t other agency stations, but Twitter’s Silicon Valley colleagues: Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, LinkedIn, even Wikipedia. It turns out these are the new principal intelligence outposts of the American empire. A subplot is these companies seem not to have had much choice in being made key parts of a global surveillance and information control apparatus, although evidence suggests their Quislingian executives were mostly all thrilled to be absorbed. ...

There is also mounting evidence that FB, Twitter, Google, (et al) were paid by US intel outfits to 'see things our way.'

That would explain what Last Refuge has been saying about Twitter's computer horsepower--that it is waaaaayyyyy large and extremely expensive to maintain.

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