Monday, December 26, 2022

O'Donnell to Take Over Belling Slot

From January through May, three weeks/month, O'Donnell will take Belling's time.

So we can hear all about O'Donnell's self self self self self.

Oh, well.  That's time we can better use by staring at birds in the yard.


  1. Saint Revolution12/27/2022 4:39 AM

    " ... so we can hear all about O'Donnell's self self self self self ... "

    So SO true.

    O'Donnell is a narcissistic j/@/k/@/$/$ to the point of entering sociopathy.

    I've actually heard O'Donnell talk about himself possibly becoming the next Rush Limbaugh.

    This l'il MKE pipsqueak.

    Yah, good luck with that.

  2. So is Belling doing his show one week a. Month or is someone else doing it and he is off that whole time?
