Monday, December 26, 2022

JFK, the Proto-Trump President

Below we linked to an essay from Lew Rockwell.  In the same work, we learn that JFK and Trump had parallel Presidential experiences--except Trump is still alive (for the time being.)

...ROCKWELL: Can you look at the Kennedy assassination as a coup d’etat?

DOUGLASS: Yes. But it’s a very subtle coup d’etat in that the propaganda is so enormous and the transition is done so fluidly into an administration under Lyndon Johnson, that is reversing all of Kennedy’s main decision. That happens with so little disruption. I mean, Kennedy’s main advisors don’t all surrender and say this is a coup d’etat or anything like that. Everybody sort of surrenders. This is Cold War thinking. This is the mission to the Powers That Be, if you want to put it in biblical terms. And so, although it is, in fact, a coup d’etat in terms of the power – and the way Kennedy was moving, he had become so isolated, and even his closest – well, most of his closest advisers were so subordinate to the Powers That Be that it was not seen as anything like that....

JFK was planning on dismantling the CIA and salting the earth where its building stood.

Trump, a few decades later, discovered the Deep State and could not overcome it.  By this time, CIA was welded to State and the FEEBS (illegally), along with elements of the military and then the Hive subordinate players such as EPA, HHS, Education, and their handy multi-tool:  IRS.

But it fell to Fauci at NIH/CDC to take Trump down, which means that CDC is a very real and useful part of the Deep State, too.

Trump is lucky to be alive (so far.)

...ROCKWELL: Did Robert Kennedy see it as a murder by the Powers That Be, and is that why he himself was murdered?

DOUGLASS: Yes, he did. But he could not, as one individual – even though he was attorney general of the United States, he could not see a way to do anything in the extreme isolation that he and his brother together had been before the assassination. But now it was Robert Kennedy alone. He, on the very day of the assassination, within an hour, he was suspecting – well, within minutes – (Laughing) – he was suspecting it was the CIA. And he actually confronted people in the CIA that afternoon, asking them about their role in the assassination. But this was all kept very much under the visibility of anyone. And he did not come out with that view. He said to his friends that he would wait until he became president himself. That was a very tragic and fatal decision. He needed to speak up long before that. And, of course, he was never given that opportunity. And he was assassinated 15 minutes after he took the turn by winning the California primary toward becoming president of the United States.”...

"Six ways from Sunday", in the words of Schumer.

There are 535 who can be identified as silent chickenshits.  Guess who they are?

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