Wednesday, November 16, 2022

To WHOM Will Trump "Lose"?

They're throwing the kitchen sink in now, hoping to head Trump off at the git-go.

The Narrative (voiced by a local early-AM RadioMouth) is that 'Trump cannot win the election of '24.'  That's the official mockingbird line, loaded into the lips of Jay Weber by Robin Vos after Paul Ryan loaded it into Vos' lips.

They have to get him out now in order to save the Establishment and the Deep State.  They know it--and we know it too.  Trump will pull US support for Ukraine and maybe (let us pray!) quit the UN, too.   He'll close the border tight, using the Army to 'discourage' coyotes with an instant death penalty.

Given their absolute assurance that Trump 'cannot win,' you'd think they know--2 years out--who is going to run on the (D) ticket.

You'd also think they know--2 years out--what the economy will look like.

And what the border situation will be.

Well, they don't.

But never mind that!!  They intend to take him out regardless, because 'their guy' (also a blank line on the page, notice?) is GOING to win.

Uh-huh.  And they'll reverse Obamacare in the bargain.


  1. Trump promised in his speech to fix the crooked election system: How on EARTH does he expect to WIN under the same crooked system that stole his last win???...they got even better at it in 2022 than they were in 2020...imagine how good they'll be at it in 2024! The republic is dead.

  2. Anyone who's been paying attention (and has a conscience) for the last couple years would have to agree with you... except for the last sentence.
    I think we have to hold on to hope, keep on praying, offering up to God our tears and penances in our daily circumstances. He will lead His steadfast Faithful surely and safely into the kingdom of heaven if indeed He does not permit or will the restoration of the old world order.

    1. I agree with everything you said, but how on earth does that negate my last sentence? God never promised that the United States would stand fact, He promises tribulation for the likes of this country, and the faithfull will suffer with the wicked. I think its pretty darn clear now to anyone with a brain that the republic is dead...and quite frankly, deservedly so.
