Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Vote-By-Mail Scam Worked in Wisconsin

 The Democrats have learned how to scam vote-by-mail.  And they're doing it in Wisconsin.

The method here is simple:  change a couple of digits in a voter's mailing address--or change the ZIP code. 

...County election managers change the zip code of 31,000 voters on September 3. Ballots go out that week.  Those 31,000 are undeliverable.  Someone collects those valid ballots.  On September 15th, those addresses are quietly changed back. ...

The traditional address databases NEVER catch this change, because it's been reversed long before they wake up.

...The 31,000 citizens were getting their mail just fine -- except for ballots.  Ballot addresses were driven by the county mail-in ballot database -- the one that was changed, then changed back....

OK, so then what?

....Here’s the fraud equation taking place across the country: 

  • Count the in-person votes on election day. 
  • Count the early, in-person votes. 
  • Shut down the system (Atlanta water leak, Maricopa County everything). 
  • Bring in undeliverable ballots gathered when you changed voters’ names, addresses, or zip codes, then changed them back.
  • Determine the votes you need to win.  Press the “WIN” button.
  • Wait for the Republicans to file a lawsuit months later....

 But that can't happen here, right?

Wrong, latent-databreath!!

...We know an election commission is going to do anything possible to make the Democrat win.  Wisconsin Election Commission, Arizona’s Maricopa County, seven states in 2016, for instance.

Rather than wasting time on batch NCOA, we get a daily copy of the election roll. That’s expensive!  The list in Wisconsin is $12,000! But did you know your Democrat friends bought it 28 times before the 2016 election?

What is a governorship worth? How much does a contested Senate seat cost?  Maybe $50 million?  What is a presidential campaign worth?

Why would anyone spend $50 million on a Senate seat and let the other side own the election rolls?  That is a question Ronna McDaniel may be asked by Mike Lindell!

We take that election roll, with perhaps 15 million voters, Florida, for instance, or Texas -- compare every voter against every other voter and address, down to the cell level, and see any differences -- every day! 

What do we find?

In a real-life example, this month, we found a county that changed 31,500 zip codes, yet the voter remained at the same address.  Curious? 

That means the voter did not change their address, continued to receive all their mail, except one item -- a ballot sent from a voter commission.

Our teams in Wisconsin and Florida are discovering this scam by the truckload -- do not email me that it is not real!  And NCOA and Melissa?  They are totally blind to this -- because the addresses are changed back!...

Was voter turnout REALLY 90% in Dane County?

Wouldn't you like to know, Tim?  Eric??

 Here's a hint:

...We learned the core strategy to fight ballot-gathering fraud in real time analysis of voter rolls and cast ballots.  It is also real-time analysis of ballot collection points -- like large apartment complexes and dorms where ballots gather because there is not an apartment number....

STILL believe the Dane County (hard-left) clerk?

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