Saturday, November 26, 2022

The Problem With the US Bishops

Christopher Manion points to a few historical problems with the US Bishops (and the USCC bureaucracy as a whole).

...Today, [the Bishops'] agenda features a vast array of government programs and policies as the authoritative teaching of “the Church,” while they fall silent on the magisterial teachings of Humanae Vitae on contraception, Romans 1:26-27 on sodomy, and Matthew 19:3-6 on marriage and divorce....

That 'vast array of government programs and policies' is translated "Distributive Justice."  That's the claim, anyway:  that the 'distributive justice' portion of 'social justice' is served by Federal programs.  (You'll recall that 'distributive justice' is a project of the mother of Ponzi-Man Bankman-Fried--the mom who has a very pricey Vacay Home in the Bahamas.)

...The death knell for Catholic demographics came long ago, with the massive wave of opposition to Pope Paul VI’s promulgation of Humanae Vitae in 1968. Alas, the core of that opposition was within the Church herself, including the hierarchy....

 ...But even that opposition had precedents. Throughout the 60s, as historian Donald Critchlow recounts, America’s bishops had already refused even to oppose taxpayer funding of contraception in government family planning programs at home and abroad.

Their abdication of that consecrated duty persists today.

In 2010, Bishop Howard Hubbard, as chairman of the USCCB’s International Committee on Justice and Peace, joined with other secular lobbyists at the federal trough to support half a billion dollars in funding for contraceptives, and $65 million for abortion, in foreign aid “family planning” programs....

+Howard Hubbard, like +Jos. Bernardin and +Roger Mahony, stands next to Cdl. Ted McCarrick on the All-Time Truly Evil American cleric list.  The Wanderer's old "Agony in Albany" series, describing the horrendous homosexual abuser culture during Hubbard's reign, could curl your hair.

Going forward, what can we expect from the USCC?

In their annual meeting this month, bishops reaffirmed their support for the Schumer Doctrine by electing Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso to head the USCCB’s Committee on Migration.  

+Seitz is strongly opposed to the Rule of Law vis-a-vis immigration.

...At the same meeting, they elected Richmond Bishop Barry Knestout to head their Committee on the Protection of Children and Young People.

Some twenty years ago, Knestout lived in the same apartment as then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, and served as his secretary in the Washington chancery. When McCarrick was removed years later, Knestout wrote: “Throughout the time that I was in Washington, I can tell you that I was not approached by anyone with any allegations or evidence of sexual harassment or abuse involving the cardinal.”

Unfortunately for the bishop, the question in the minds of the people was, “But what did you know?”...

That's a question he'll never answer until he gets to St. Peter at THE checkpoint.

Individual Bishops in a number of places such as Tyler, TX. and Madison, WI. (there are others) will hold fast to that which is good.  They need prayers to overcome the USCC's 60+ year tradition of deliberately-vague infidelity to Catholicism pure.

There is a simple solution:  abolish the USCC, which is merely a creation of +Jos. Bernardin, another member of the "most infamous Bishop" club.  Keeping the USCC is like keeping a memorial to Beelzebub.

Why would Catholics do that?


  1. Where are the Bishops’ “compassion” for home born African-Americans who are displaced by endless waves of migrants favored by Mitt Romney, the US Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable?

  2. Here’s the compassion

    Get off your lazy ass and get yourself a job and pull yourself up with the God given talent You have been blessed with.

    Karl Marx or Santa Claus are not going to be giving you compassion

    Mercy has a twin brother, named justice

    Don’t forget that

    Now go work


  3. "For also when we were with you, this we declared to you: that, if any man will not work, neither let him eat."

    [2 Thessalonians 3:10]
