Monday, November 14, 2022

Nailed It TWO Years Ago

Revolver editorial following the Fraud of '20:

...For the past decade, Republicans have been handed victory after victory at the state level. The party has had undivided control of a majority of state legislatures after every single election since 2010. Entering this year, they controlled thirty. In the key 2020 swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Texas, and Florida, they have controlled both houses of the state legislature for the entirety of the past decade. In every single one of those states, Republicans also controlled the governor’s mansion for at least four years. In Georgia, Arizona, Texas, and Florida, they had total control of the state government for the entire decade.

Power is useless when it isn’t used. Yet when it comes to elections, Republicans wasted their power, and allowed Democrats to create the situation the prevailed in 2020, the situation that may have let a presidential election be snatched away from them.

For years, Republican efforts to prevent voter fraud have focused narrowly on requiring voter ID. Meanwhile, Democrats seized upon the 2020 coronavirus to create a massive national mail-in and early voting system, all while stripping voter fraud protections to a bare minimum. Beyond any doubt, they will try to repeat this system in all elections to come, even after the coronavirus is long gone....

Vos and Fitzgerald sat on their fat asses watching Democrats openly run fraud schemes ("Fraud in the Park" comes to mind.).

They sent strongly-worded letters.  That's about Vos' speed.

Fitzgerald?  He was running for the safest (R) seat in Wisconsin.  Hell, no, he's not sticking his neck out.

The fix for The Steal?  Simple, but yes--Evers will veto them.  

 1. Make absentee voting rare again.

 2. Get rid of electronic voting. 

3. Count the vote immediately.

As to #3, let's look at Florida

...In Florida, absentee ballots must be returned by 7 p.m. on election night, period, with no shenanigans about postmarks. The state requires a matching signature for mail-in ballots.  Ballots that are returned earlier are opened and verified early before being stored securely, and critically, they are counted first, meaning they can never be used to play “catch-up” against a surprising election-night deficit...

Think he's kidding?  Look again at what appears to be happening in Maricopa County.

Be sure to thank Robin, Scottie, and Gov. Walker for their help, all you Democrats out there.....


  1. The legislature has the constitutional power to say how elections are run. Evers does not have legitimate power to veto that just like the legislature does not have the power to override pardons.

  2. Saint Revolution11/15/2022 6:07 AM

    Gee ...

    Walker, son of a Preacher, or a bitch, whatever, livin' middle-class Wauwatosanism, bloviating on givin' back his parasitic pubic serpent salary $$$ during County Exec years, now living in an ~$1.2MM condo, overlooking inland sea Michigan, and driving to his super expensive private sector PR job handed to him, complete with undeserved TC (that's TOTAL COMPENSATION for you mow-rons) bloat.

    All together now, in pre-teen girly voices, THANKS, SCOTTY!!!

    You f/u/k/n Benedict A-hhhh-nold.

    Repugnantcants = DemonCraps = Repugnantcants = DemonCraps ... as long as they all get theirs.

    Follow the money, always follow the money ... and Klaus Schwab and George Soros.

    All your answers.

  3. Saint Revolution11/15/2022 6:12 AM

    Oh, and don't ferget'cha to t'ank Scotty fer FOXCONN as well, which, by SHEER COINCIDENCE I'm suuure, just happens to be a Chinese Communist Party backed Chinese entersurprise.

    All together now, in sisey voices, T'ANKS, SCOTTY!!!

  4. how many voter fraud cases has Trump won so far?
