Sunday, November 27, 2022

Killing Germany

This has been coming for a few years, but it's accelerated by the Ukraine mess.

...One in four German companies is considering moving production to other countries amid the energy crisis, Tanja Gönner, CEO of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), told Die Welt am Sonntag news outlet.

“The high energy prices and the weakening economy are hitting the German economy with full force and are placing a great burden on our companies compared to other international locations. The German business model is under enormous stress…Every fourth German company is thinking about relocating production abroad,” Gönner stated.

Germany’s energy-intensive chemical industry is particularly affected by the crisis, Wolfgang Grosse Entrup, CEO of the German chemical industry association (VCI), told the news outlet.

“The brutal energy prices are knocking us out..."---quoted at Vox Populi

The "energy crisis" began with the Green Conversion, where Germany shut down its coal electricity plants and nearly all its nukes.

Because windmills and sunshine, you see.

That may have been bearable, but then somebody cut off at least half of the nat-gas pipelines to Germany.

Since the German government is effectively run by the Green Party, it's not likely that industries there will get any relief.

Should be interesting to note where those displaced manufacturing operations go, no?

1 comment:

  1. I bet Putin would give them a good deal. I would not stay in the west.
