Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Jay Weber Repeats Ukie Propaganda

 At one time, RadioMouth Jay Weber was a news guy.

That changed, dramatically.  Now he's an outlet for Ukrainian propaganda.

This morning, he launched into a spiel telling the listeners that Russia's situation was dire; morale in the army is awful, Russia is running out of weapons, and Putin's goal of "regime change" had been walked back by Russian officials.

Except that Putin NEVER stated that he wanted "regime change" in Ukraine (although that would be a very good thing for Ukraine, Russia, and the West.)  Go ahead.  Google it.

Apparently he got that news from Yahoo! News, which got it from "The New Voice of Ukraine."

Reliable sources, and all that.

Wars are notoriously unpredictable.  The Plan comes to an end at roughly the same time as the battle is engaged.  It's possible that the Russians are low on weapons; but it's a fact that Ukraine is very low on weapons--or they wouldn't be hectoring NATO for more of them, right?

As has been explained elsewhere, the withdrawal from Kherson COULD signify Russian weakness; it could ALSO signify a maneuver to relieve Russia of defending a place they did not think is important at this time--and which cost them a lot of resources due to its location.

Weber would profit from a study of chess, which would teach him about maneuver warfare, the trademark of the Russian army.  "Forward Only" is not always the smartest battle plan.  He could also refer to Ho Chi Minh--the victor in the Viet Nam war, or for that matter, he could reference the battles fought--and won--by Francis Marion, the "Swamp Fox."

But that would take time away from his Yahoo!! News propaganda blast.


  1. Oh, Dad, kissing Putin's butt again.
    If you are trying to conquer a country and failed miserably and losing more territory daily is not a strategic move. That shows weakness.
    Yes, Ukraine is asking for more weapons because they don't really have a lot of factories that produce weapons.
    Yes, Ukraine has corrupt leaders, but so does the US and Russia but I'd rather support Ukraine than Russia.

  2. Kissing the butt of Zelenskiy again, MAR?? How does that taste??

    Does he send you money like he does to Biden??

  3. Nope, Ukraine is not perfect but they were invaded for no reason and they need to defend their land.
    And by taking out Russia's military does a great service to the US. It has shown that Russia's military isn't that good. Probably a show case when China tries to to invade Taiwan.
    We have learned a lot militarly about Russia and other communist countries.

  4. Wasn't "their" land until Krushchev gave it to them in the '50's.

    And after Zelenskiy's Nazi commandos shelled and killed thousands of Russians living in Donbas for about 5-6 years, Putin decided to defend those Russians.

    Get your history straight, friend.
