Thursday, November 24, 2022

How Long Can McConnellRyanMcCarthy Hold On?

Meaning in History is run by a retired FBI agent.  He got an email from another retiree.

Here's the interesting part: I previously mentioned, I volunteer in local conservative politics in [Red State].  I can tell you that from my neck of the woods, there is a civil war going on in the GOP and it will likely manifest itself in the Trump nomination process.  The folks who are conservative who have faithfully voted R because they have been cajoled by the Republican elite, are pretty much fed up with the GOP both at the national level and state level.  I suspect that this will manifest itself in large numbers of traditional Republican voters not voting in 2024 if Trump isn't on the ticket and either the destruction of the GOP as we know (See Senator Josh Hawley's comments about the death of the old GOP) and rebirth of a new party out of the ashes of the old.  If the GOP elite are successful at remaining in control of the party, you will see a significant defection among the grassroots faithful.  Folks are actively questioning just exactly what the GOP does for them in various issues [at the state level] and they are finding that the juice isn't worth the squeeze....

I believe that's called "BURN IT DOWN" in most quarters.

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