Saturday, November 26, 2022

Caution Flag on "Died Suddenly"

Pretty compelling set of counter-facts to what Stew Peters* presented in the "Died Suddenly" video.

...Here are four examples of the garbage that stuck out and that I remember. There may be more. ...Mathew Crawford looked into the DMED data and discovered that the original whistleblowers had made a simple mistake in comparing 2021 with previous years: what they essentially did is to count every office visit instead of every diagnosis. So if you were newly diagnosed with, say, myocarditis, every visit you had with the military health system (more or less) was added up and compared to how many individuals had been diagnosed with myocarditis in previous years. (The details are a bit more nuanced, but that captures the basic gist of the error.)...

... One graph shown in the movie displays statistics for several countries, including a massive decline in birth rates for Australia that sticks out like a sore thumb. Turns out that huge decline is simply due to a reporting problem where the numbers of births from December 2021 are hugely undercounted when the official statistics are released, and then generally not updated until much later. So that huge decrease shown in the movie is just plain wrong....

There are a couple of other serious flaws mentioned in the essay.  On the other hand, the author praises some specific portions of the movie.  Read the entire essay, then watch the video.  You're adults; figure it out.

*FWIW, I've seen Stew Peters' video works a few times and my 'he's a nutbag' sensors flashed red every time. 

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