Sunday, November 20, 2022

Bluto Barr's Speaking Tour

Any sentient Conservative, even without MAGA influence, knows that Bill "Bluto" Barr is a very shifty Deep State/Establishment character.  His M.O. has always been 'what's good for Bill' and any job or position he's taken or held has been carefully selected with that end in mind.

Now he's running around the country peddling his (overpriced) book, and he's made a stop in Madison to speak to a group of folks.....some of which may not know better.....but organized by people sympathetic to the wrong cause.

But that's just my Conservative take.  What does the Left think?

...But even by his own standards, Bill Barr’s latest book is an exercise in just goin’ for it. Amazon’s blurb for “One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General” promises a “vivid, forthright” comparison of his first, normal stint in the executive branch, where he came in at the end to help sweep the Iran-Contra affair under the rug, to his second, when he helped hide the president’s attempted extortion of a foreign government.

Apparently Barr’s “second tenure under President Donald Trump [was] a deliberate and difficult choice.” Cue the world’s tiniest violins. But at least he got to lock up a whole bunch of Black and brown people both times, right?

Lest we forget, Bill Barr presided over an absolute orgy of inappropriate interference with the supposedly independent Justice Department. From the mash note cum job application he sent to Trump in June of 2018, expounding on his theories unlimited presidential power and crapping on the Mueller investigation, to his obsequious resignation letter in December of 2020, offered up as a bribe to get him out the door without being fired via tweet, Barr never failed to put his own political interests first.

Before the Mueller Report was even released, Barr famously hopped in front of a microphone to announce that the it had fully exonerated the president. In reality Mueller laid out multiple counts of obstruction of justice, before concluding that only congress had the right to try a sitting executive. Barr then proceeded to blow up the prosecution of Michael Flynn and undercut line prosecutors’ sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone. And for good measure, he tried to Saturday Night Massacre the SDNY in an apparent attempt to protect Rudy Giuliani....

One does not have to agree with the assertions made above to agree with the red-highlighted one:  Barr is a slippery character.  It should NEVER be forgotten that Barr jumped right in to defend an FBI agent who shot dead a mother holding her infant in cold blood; and Barr defended that action on the basis that the agent was 'just following orders.'

In other words, Barr was defending the Deep State.

Barr's final refuge is using his Catholicism to rebuild his reputation.  Barr should consider going on an extended retreat, or joining a monastery instead.

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