Sunday, October 02, 2022

What Is "Ukraine"?

Like it or not, Ukraine's national borders have changed in the last 400 years or so.  That leads to the question "What is Ukraine?"  Is it the Ukraine providing the Biden Crime Family with millions of dollars?  Or is it the Ukraine which was merely an afterthought?


  1. How many times has the YS changed in the past 400 years?

  2. Perhaps you know the difference between the US and Ukraine.

    The Ukraine gained territory by swiping it from Poland, Russia, and a couple of other 'stans,--not to mention the Austro-Hungarian empire. The US gained territory by stealing it from the Native Americans, British, and Spanish.

    Are you proposing that the Native Americans begin shelling Omaha, Dallas, Oklahoma City, and Chicago, Mar? Or that Spain begins shelling Los Angeles?


  3. Well, I have no problem with Spain nuking LA or California and the Indians taking over Chicago
