Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Update on Fr. Tait Schroeder

We can say definitively that the story presented here is true.

...[Fr. Tait] Schroeder, a priest and canon lawyer from the Diocese of Madison, was already working in the Congregation and had been promoted because he had handled the abuse cases of the English language desk very well. But the promotion never took place, despite being published in the bulletin. This news, too, was first reported by the Latin Mass blog.

According to a CNA source, Cardinal Ladaria called the promoted priest in, apologizing and hinting that the decision came from above — in other words, Pope Francis personally. There was a report that Father Schroeder had occasionally celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass for groups of pilgrims. This had only happened sometimes and never after the publication of the Traditionis Custodes. However, because of this, there seems to have been pressure by the pope for the Monsignor to resign from the post he had just received — which he promptly did....

There was no 'end of term' blatherflopflityammer.  He was canned by Francis because he said the Old Rite Mass for pilgrims who came to Rome.

What a very sad sack Francis must be.

1 comment:

  1. Makes sense, though. Francis is in effect in schism from the Church of the Ages, so he is in schism from this priest as well.
