Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Pocan, the Warmonger!!

This is hilarious.

Progressive House Democrats on Tuesday withdrew a letter urging President Joe Biden to negotiate directly with Russia to end the war in Ukraine after the move received pushback within the party...

In other words, Nancy Pelosi ordered them to STFU.

 ...“It was written to address the situation on the ground in July, and the fact that it came out yesterday is just odd,” Wisconsin U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, who was one of 30 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus to sign the letter, told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

“We still believe that the president is doing the right thing by dealing with this in diplomatic ways, as well as (with) the support we’ve given and will continue to give if necessary to Ukraine,” Pocan said shortly before the letter’s retraction....

Go ahead.  Use duckduckgo and find Pocan's opposition to US involvement in about every conflict since WWI.  (Slight exaggeration, but very slight.)

Now, suddenly, Pocan is a warmonger.  That must be what the Madistan Cognoscenti want.



ZMan has a take on this which fits very well.

...The interesting bit here is how quickly the hammer came down. The Biden White House and senior party members held an emergency meeting and then threatened the progressive caucus with death if they did not recant. We do not know the exact nature of the threats, but the speed with which the apostates recanted and their groveling tone suggest genuine fear. Whatever was said to them was serious enough to have them groveling in public within hours.

Just in case anyone missed the point, the regime then sent Bernie Sanders out to chastise the progressives for being wrong. Sanders has spent his life railing against the military industrial complex. He has opposed every military action, even those sponsored by his party. Now he sounds like Bill Kristol after a few too many drinks. Bernie is not just supporting the war; he is supporting the war dogma behind it. He felt he needed to get that out into the public domain.

The old internet meme about knowing who is in charge by thinking about who you are not allowed to criticize works here. If you want to know what it is important to the regime, think about what cannot be questioned. It is clear that they will tolerate no dissent on Ukraine policy, not even from the people they use to manipulate the left-wing activist class. In other words, they are willing to lose the support of their activist base in order to defend their Ukraine policy....

So it wasn't Pelosi alone; it was the White House and Pelosi with Bernie being the stooge. 

How much Raytheon has Paul Pelosi bought in the last year?

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