Thursday, October 27, 2022

Hit Piece on the Uihleins. Surprised?

Since the Uihliens of U-Line are the nation's largest contributors to Republican candidates, they're also the target of hit pieces.  Given what we know of the Democrat Party's 'kinetic' alter ego (the KKK being the prototype and BLM riot organizers the current version), they're probably on a hit-list of a more deadly sort, too.

The story is interesting.

...Edgar J. Uihlein of Chicago was among the handful of largest donors to the original America First Committee, the aviator Charles Lindbergh’s group that opposed the United States’ entry into World War II. ... While America First drew supporters from across the political spectrum, it was most associated with rightists. 

Like John F. Kennedy, for example?  The AF Committee was founded at Yale (!) and included Kennedy and Sargent Shriver, his brother-in-law, not to mention Phil LaFollette of Wisconsin.  It also included Charles Lindbergh who apparently was an anti-Semite, just like Henry Ford (and lately Kanye West.)  Therefore, all AFC members must be anti-Semites, see??

Pat Buchanan gave Globaloney George HW Bush a helluva scare running against him on America First principles, and Donald Trump used them too.  No wonder the Press hates 'America First.'

 ...[Richard Uihlein's father] Edgar Uihlein Jr. [was] on the National Finance Committee of the John Birch Society. Founded a few years earlier, the group quickly became a significant force to the right of the Republican Party, known for its obsessively anti-communist politics....

Because there's something wrong with being an anti-Communist if you intend to remain a Member in Good Standing of the PressYou may have noticed that the Press never stops attacking Sen. Joseph McCarthy for exactly the same reason--although they lie about his accuracy all the time.  (Read M. Stanton Evans' massive tome on the topic.)

The surest sign that a "news" item is highly questionable is a citation of the Anti-Defamation League and yes indeed!!  It carries a cite.  

Now for the REAL crimes!!

...Among the recipients of the Ed Uihlein Family Foundation’s grants are the Federalist Society and think tanks that have pushed misleading claims about the 2020 election, such as the Conservative Partnership Institute and the Foundation for Government Accountability...

Just as bad:

... Dick Uihlein is a major funder of the American Principles Project, which runs ads attacking what it calls “transgender ideology,” abortion and the teaching of “critical race theory.”...

And to top it off:

... More recently, in his home state of Illinois, Uihlein has spent more than $50 million to back the Republican gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey, who has drawn criticism for saying the Holocaust “doesn’t even compare” to the toll of abortions and for accusing Democrats of “putting perversion into our schools” for adopting a sex ed bill that includes information about gender identity and same-sex couples....

Actually, the Holocaust pales in comparison to the slaughter of the innocents at the altar of Moloch with 63.5 million babies killed in the US alone since Roe; and the homosex/tranny-sex grooming is the definition of perversion.  But remember:  one cannot keep a job in "journalism" without decrying Right Order, as does the WEF and other cancers.

Then there's the usual ticky-tacky minor-league stuff:  the authors found disgruntled ex-employees to complain about the work dress code and the conservatives who spoke at various Company functions--plus the requirement that employees show up ON TIME, for crying out loud!  Yah, it's just awful.

Frankly, I hold no brief for the Uihleins.  Never met them.  Probably never will.  (If they're smart, they'll avoid me.)  Not knocked over by their HR practices, either. 

We know a bit more about the Milwaukee branch of the family; one of the grand-daughters is a MAJOR funder of Planned Parenthood and all the other Usual Suspects, but you won't find a 5,000++ word editorial about how her family is associated with anti-Semites, will you?

If you click through to the article, you'll be among the 46 readers!  Enjoy!

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