Sunday, October 23, 2022

Egads!! Local Pravda Is Right!

Credit where credit is due; even Little Local Pravda is right once in a (long) while.

There are plenty of things in this news story editorial which are debatable, and what's NOT in the story is very important (which is why it was left out.)  Hints:  1)  the price of fuel; and 2)  Biden's enormous-gigungous spending bill.  The Sacred Narratives of "Green Weenies and Biden Good" cannot be questioned, so Little Pravda won't.

That said, here's where the story gets it right:  it questions "tax cuts" as some sort of inflation remedy.

Both Michels and Evers yammer on about their holy-picture sanctity because "tax cuts." But "tax cuts" do not remedy inflation; not even a little, tiny, bit.  (By the way, Evers is lying about "his" tax cuts; the Pubbies forced him to sign on.  He would have happily increased both the gas tax and the income tax, but The Narrative skips that part.)

Anyhow, as someone with a 'graduate degree in macroeconomics' should know, cutting taxes increases disposable income which creates demand for goods, which tends to raise the price of stuff.  That's called "inflation," Tim.  Get off your Pubbie Party talking points and get real.

Same applies to Tony, who is box-of-rocks dumb.  That's his excuse, and he's sticking to it.


At least Michels proposed a cut in spending; he'd zero out the entire Department of Public Instruction Ignorance & Pornography for Kids.  That alone should win the election.

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