Monday, September 12, 2022

Why Evers Must Be Defeated

THIS is what Evers did.


  1. I took Latin at Piux HS in the late 1970's. My children took Latin in grade school (Catholic school) in the 2000's. Now if my children were small I would homeschool.

  2. My chilluns' grade school also offered latin, but.........the major benefactors of that school (thank God for them!!) had g-chilluns there who were.....ahh....not equipped for serious scholarship.

    So Latin went away after only 2-3 years. STILL a better education than that provided by the Publix and many parish schools.

  3. Catholic Grade and High Schools here. I would have liked to learn Latin, but it wasn't on offer. Spanish, French, but no Latin. I did get a decent education though. Quite a few male teachers as well, and they didn't put up with too many high jinks! We had one priest removed for some less than admirable actions with some youngsters. He was replaced by Father Bob. He was what passed for cool in the late 70's early 80's, even though he was in his late 50's. Decent guy. Though I left the Roman Church, I am grateful for the education. We had 3 Catholic grade schools in town that all funneled into 1 Catholic HS. fun times and good memories!
