Friday, September 30, 2022

Italian Polls Mirror US Politics

 Republicans could learn something here.

Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy were the most popular party among workers and the middle class in last weekend’s election, while the wealthiest Italians, along with university graduates, were more likely to vote for left parties.

The Brothers of Italy (FdI) came first in last weekend’s elections with 26 per cent of the vote, winning nearly six million more votes than in the previous election in 2018, and according to a breakdown of voting by the firm Ipsos, the party managed to secure just over 30 per cent of the votes of lower-middle-class people amid strong numbers across all income ranges.

Among upper-middle-class people and university graduates, the left-wing Democrats were the most popular party, followed by Meloni’s FdI, the Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera reports....

That's consistent with what we see (by and large) in the US.  The Educated and Rich are too gifted--in their own estimation--to bother with natural laws.  That's for the 'little people.'  

And the little people told the Educated and Rich exactly where to go. 

Pro Dio!  Pro Famiglia!  Pro Patria!!!!


  1. The problem is that so many of Teh Stoopid Party talk the talk but then stab you in the back like the gutless wonder eunuch quislings they are.
