Saturday, August 20, 2022

Edinburgh Chorus: "Screw Your Obedience Masks!"

For some reason or other, American symphonies have swallowed the Mask-and-Vaxx myths whole.  But that doesn't apply to Scottish choruses.

...The [Edinburgh International] Festival — scheduled to take place over eight days, starting this Sunday — had advertised that the Edinburgh Festival Chorus, the self-described "backbone of the International Festival’s choral programme," would pair up with the Philadelphia Orchestra for a rendition of Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. However, due to concerns about the spread of COVID, the orchestra had requested that members of the chorus wear a mask during the performance.

As chorus members contribute to the performance exclusively by singing, the chorus refused to accommodate the request....

 Good on the Scots, and shame on the Philly. 

1 comment:

  1. You know, I was fired for not wearing a mask, and I cheer every time you shove this down there friggin throats. I appreciate your hell raising

    Thank you

