Saturday, August 20, 2022

Benjamin Yount Accepts the Wrong Premise

During his 5:00 AM news roundup yesterday, Benjamin Yount (1130 WISN) carried on for a bit about the 'transgender' craze, justifiably slamming the chemo and/or surgery procedures as 'criminal offenses against girls and boys'.  He's right, of course, but he set himself up to lose the battle.


A few sentences later, he quoted the gay "marriage" rights crowd as arguing (correctly, in Yount's view) that 'my marriage doesn't affect yours,' and predicting that the same argument will be used by the TransLunatics, with success.

Yount missed the most important--and critical--thing:  both gay "marriage" and "transition" operations are crimes against human Nature, in addition to being crimes against children or adults. 

Since all men and women are governed by Nature (and Nature's God, of course), attempting to defy Nature, whether through surgery, chemicals, or a false affirmation of a "marriage" which is contrary to nature, is an attack on humanity and on Nature.  That attack derogates from marriage, manhood, and womanhood and is an obvious, in-your-face, violent revolution against God, the Creator of nature, man, and woman, and of marriage.

The Libertarian 'it doesn't harm you' argument fits perfectly with the Liberal agenda, which is not a surprise to anyone who has studied both those philosophies.

Yount should know better.  It's possible that he does and didn't articulate very well--but it's his job to make the argument that the TransLunatics and the Fake Marriage crowd cannot overcome.  

If you've ever engaged in a 'discussion' with the Fake Marriage crowd, you'll notice that they cannot respond to an argument based on "nature."  They run away, or try to distract--because they cannot win and they know it.  That's grotesquely obvious with the TransLunatics, too.

Don't give up the game by arguing on their ground of 'no harm, no foul.'  It IS foul, and it DOES harm.



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