Thursday, July 21, 2022

We Lost Control of the WEATHER!!!!

Since you're merely a lump of flesh in flyover country, there's stuff you don't know.

Like, like, ummmmnnnnhhhhhhh, like, for example:

....Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) argued that Democrats should say that “we’re going to solve inflation with a climate bill” and that in Congress, “we need to be doing climate all of the time now” and that “every bill we do, whether it’s an appropriations bill or whether it’s a policy bill,” should have climate provisions because “we’ve reached a point where our climate is truly at a tipping point....

But there's more that you just are too stupid to understand!!

...We’re losing this battle and losing control of the weather.”...

Losing control of the weather!!!!  LOSING CONTROL OF THE WEATHER!!!!!

Sen. Heinrich (D-Talking Points) remembers back when he was a baby and the Government HAD CONTROL OF THE WEATHER!

But you're not smart enough to remember that, are you?  So you're going to be punished.  You're going to pay $4, $5, or $10/gallon for gasoline until you buy a COAL-POWERED CAR, damn you!  And there will be no fertilizer, and no diesel for farmers, dammit!

Sen. Heinrich wants to give EPA and the other Smart People back their CONTROL OF THE WEATHER, dammit.  Now sit down and STFU!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely BRILLIANT post, Dad....every note.
