Saturday, July 02, 2022

Student Hosed by Jesuit University

Think twice before enrolling in a Jesuit school, friends.

A California law student is taking his school to court and accusing them of preventing him from continuing his education at another college over his refusal to get the Covid-19 vaccine. 

Ryan Driggs, who is representing himself in the case, is attempting to transfer from Santa Clara University's law school, where he is currently enrolled, reports the San Jose Mercury News. 

Driggs accuses the school in his lawsuit of preventing him from 'securing the economic advantages completion of his legal education would bring' by denying him access to his transcripts. ...

The Jesuits have every right to require The Vaxx for students, no matter how dangerous The Vaxx may be.  After all, dead students don't sue.  

The question here is whether they ALSO think have the right to refuse to release transcripts.  Are they the property of the Jesuits, or did the student's tuition payments make them 'joint' property, or free-and-clear the student's?

Lesson:  the Jesuits don't care about long- or short-term effects of The Vaxx and will hose you good if you defy them.  So why enroll there??


  1. What vaccine??? Did I miss a medical breakthrough? This poison being peddled by the pedophiles is not a vaccine. Not even close .

  2. MRNA Experimental Injection
