Sunday, July 24, 2022

Ron Johnson Goes Over the Edge on Abortion

Apparently some 'professional consultants' have wormed their way into Ron Johnson's campaign--or should we say "snaked"?

A couple of days ago, Johnson said he's perfectly happy with Federalized gay "marriage", meaning that Johnson is opposed to Nature.  That's usually not a good place to be in the long run, Ron.

Yesterday he announced that he thinks killing the child of a criminal is the right thing to do.

These are standard GOPe positions on sexual morality.  Johnson appears to think that he can win his Senate race regardless of his raising the middle finger to genuine conservatives; and one also suspects that he's taking these positions to prepare the ground for Vos/LeMahieu to push the same crapola through the Legislature after the elections.

Maybe your internal polls are right, Ron; after all, the Democrats handed every Republican in the country a huge gift by putting Bai-Den in the White House so Republicans don't have to run against an opponent.  And yes, any of the Democrats running against you has a freight-train of baggage behind them.

So yah, that 'two-term' thing:  was that just another 'professional consultant' idea too??

1 comment:

  1. Litmus test for suitability to hold office

    If a politician can get the abortion issue right they seem to fall in line on the other issues as well. (As a General rule )

    Ron Johnson just politically hung himself as far as I’m concerned


