Friday, July 22, 2022

Ron Johnson Goes Batshit Nuts, Updated!!

It's bad enough that Ron Johnson sent $40 BILLION to the Ukraine for materiel which hit the black market immediately and for cash to pay for Ukraine officials' new mansions in Switzerland.

Now ol' Ronnie decides that marriage contra naturam is just fine and dandy and should be protected by Federal law.

 ...Johnson said that although he believed the bill was “unnecessary” in light of existing judicial precedent pronouncing same-sex marriage as a constitutional right, he sees “no reason to oppose it.” He noted that since Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 ruling in which the Supreme Court held same-sex marriage to be protected under the due process clause and equal protection clause of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment, he has “considered the issue settled.”...

If it's "settled," there is no need to vote for a law, right, Ronnie?

Apparently Ron thinks he can't lose the election.

What was that term 'hubris' all about?

UPDATE:  We are not fans of Dreher, but he makes a lot of points in an essay excerpted by WauckRoJo ignores all this and sucks up to the Left--which will never vote for him.  NEVER.

Here's the payoff line:   

...As Camille Paglia, no right-wing Christian, has noted, this sort of thing historically precedes the collapse of a civilization....

Smooth move, Ron.


  1. What in the living hell happened to him?????
    He's excellent on other things, especially the death-not-a-vax...he rocked the house on that one, but THIS????...what the heck!?!?!

  2. A poll sez that "72%" of Americans "support" queer marriage.

    That's not likely true, but even if it's only 60% who TOLERATE it.....Ron wants to be re-elected. Granted, he'll do good things if that happens; he's not a pig like most in Congress.

    But McConnell's Millions in campaign help have turned RoJo's head, just as they did after Year Two of his first election.
