Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Union Keeps Death-Grip on Mke Public Schools

Given the track record, it's possible that ZERO MPS grads will be able to read in 10 years.  So the Teachers' Union lackeys keep their slots.

...Board members on Tuesday also voted to keep Bob Peterson as their president and Sequanna Taylor as their vice president for another year. ...

And they rewarded themselves with a raise for their total failure!!

Milwaukee School Board members are getting a 4.7% raise — the first increase after keeping their compensation flat at $18,667 each for over 20 years. ...

In Democrat-run areas, rewarding incompetence is normal.  Too bad for the victims/students, eh?

1 comment:

  1. I was a teacher in MPS when I started teaching in the late 1990s and it was horrible the.
    The horror stories I could tell.
    Sounds like it has gotten much worse, which means kids will end up with negative IQs.
