Saturday, April 16, 2022

It's Grooming? Yes. It's Grooming

 ...Grooming may not be sexual or pedophillic in nature — and regardless of the connotation narrowed around the term through the rise of the internet in the early Aughts, the current progressive approach to ideological manipulation in children fits the operational and passive definitions. Regardless of what you choose to call it, the wedge being driven between students and their parents is insidious, and it should be called out whenever observed....

The debate over the definition of 'grooming' is in full swing.  Daily Caller has an essay on the matter published at Liberty Unyielding which notes the history and the purpose of 'grooming.'  You will not be surprised to learn that it's another "CRT" play:  a tactic do separate children from parents, sometimes over the area of sex; but the general thrust is to re-orient the child's thinking away from the thought-patterns of the child's family and Western civilization/Judaeo-Christianity.

...Many have been critical of the term grooming to describe the ideological manipulation of students to mistrust their parents in favor of the state. When one looks objectively at the nature of how students in the United States are currently taught to think, act and feel — almost always in direct opposition to the home, one must reckon with the same patterns of manipulation found in Nazi Germany, East Germany and Maoist China.

One manifestation is the "pronouns thing", where teachers (and other influencers) announce their 'pronouns,' endorsing the concept of gender fluidity.

Think 'brainwashing,' if you don't like the term 'grooming.'

One of the leaders of "Progress" is the University of Wisconsin's flagship campus at Madison.  So this shouldn't surprise anyone:

...Gloria Ladson-Billings of the University of Wisconsin-Madison encouraged the use of these ideas in K-12 education in 1995 and 1998, wherein she argued that in order to teach any nonwhite student, you must first view them through a lens of appropriate racial stereotypes — such as the suggestion that black students should be encouraged to act how she defines as appropriately black, regardless of their parents’ wishes or standards....

Simply substitute 'non-straight' or 'gender-fluid' for 'nonwhite'. 

Nietzsche was the real progenitor here, with his praise of 'the transvaluation of all values.'  It stands in direct opposition to "What Is,"--or truthPilate's question is asked again.  

Fortunately, we have the answer.

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