Thursday, March 17, 2022

Zelenskyy: A Democrat Kind of Guy!!

He's as corrupt as they come, has very nice estates (out of the country, of course), plenty of cash in foreign banks, and makes dissent a criminal offense--just like Biden's🤡 Attorney General versus unhappy parents!

He could be another Nancy Pelosi.  Nancy doesn't seem to know who's who over there, either.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has passed a law punishing pro-Russian dissent with up to 15 years in prison.

Zelensky signed a decree claiming that “cooperation with the aggressor state,” which includes pro-Russian statements, could result in up to 15 years in prison....

 The entire Eastern half of Ukraine is inhabited by ethnic Russians.  That's why Zelenskyy's army is concentrated over there, and that's why his military has been conducting aggressive actions against Donbas dissidents for years.

There are ZERO candidates for sainthood in Ukraine or Moscow leadership.


  1. So, is Russia losing, as every Western Big Media wants you to believe?

    Apparently, not at all.

  2. Hostage Taking, The Ukrainian Way
    One of the things that infuriates me most these days is the way the Western media swallows whole the most absurd propaganda coming from the Ukraine.

    In the very last days, Zelensky was on record with saying that, in order to get Kiev, the Russians would have had to kill everybody.

    The guy was, clearly, weaponising the civil population against Russia. He was saying that every civilian is a fighter, and the Russians will have to deal with every boy and old man, possibly with every woman and girl, too.

    Zelensky does not care how many civilians die. What he cares for is the edification of the Zelensky monument for the well-paid use of the Western media.

  3. Our Leadership that puts us in this Crisis

    ....These are people who think they’re clever enough to deal with powerful foreign countries run by sane people. They’re not, and those foreign powers have taken note of that fact. The kind of Americans the world fears or respects have been put out of government and military leadership and replaced by a menagerie of nursing home patients, human resources ladies, affirmative action hires, sexual degenerates, and obese four-star generals angling for board seats on the next Theranos start-up. The day of reckoning has arrived. Leaders like Putin, Xi, and Mohammed bin Salman are no longer amenable to being pushed around and morally browbeaten by the circus freaks that constitute the United States Government.......

    Bonus Meme

  4. Judge By The Fruits?

    Bishop Williamson on Crisis in Ukraine (Video)

