Saturday, March 26, 2022

Manchin: The Good, The Bad

First, the good about Manchin, who recently forced the Federal Energy Commission to reverse an order which put a lot of pipeline development in jeopardy.  That was good, and there's more!

...The senator said FERC is intentionally withholding guidance from permit seekers. When he was West Virginia's governor, Manchin said, he told state regulators, "If you go out with a cease and desist order before you try to help someone do something right and tell them what they’re doing wrong, shame on you. Shame on all of you."...

Manchin identified the regulatory game which stifles all sorts of progress, whether in energy development or in barbershop placement.  It's the "Power of NO!!".  (The "Power of NO!!!" has been explained by Bongino.  For a government, there is zero power in saying "Yes."  But there is unlimited power in saying "NO!!"  So Government favors the "NO!!" because it can extract a lot of money from you.  Regulators can say "NO!!" or they can refuse to properly assist.  It has the same effect.) 

Think that FERC will actually help energy developers?  Hell, no!  But Manchin called them out.

The bad news:  Manchin unexpectedly announced that he would support Jackson for SCOTUS, calling her "well-qualified."  How he defines "well-qualified" is known only to him and his masters in the Senate.  Some practiced observers were near-certain that Manchin was a 'no' vote, so something was promised.

Oh, well.

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