Sunday, February 20, 2022

Growing Resistance to Castreau in Canada

 Well, this is encouraging.

There were still hundreds of protesters out Saturday in Ottawa, more even than there were earlier when there was a lot of police action against them. And some of them may even be the people who were “arrested” earlier....


 ...Many of the people arrested claimed that they were driven several blocks or a couple of miles away and then just released. They were not issued citations or formally charged with anything....

Oh.  It would be VERY interesting to know if those were their orders or if the cops decided to raise the middle finger to their commanders.

Under Canadian law, Parliament must ratify the emergency powers (Fascism) that TrueDope and his lady Rasputin (and--tacitly--Joe Biden*) has engaged.  That must take place on Monday at the latest.

Doesn't look very good for that, either.  Here's a reaction from a Provincial premier:

 ...The premier from Alberta, Jason Kenney, has said that he will challenge it in court because it was unnecessary, disproportionate, violates natural justice, intrudes into provincial jurisdiction, and creates a dangerous precedent....

 It's not what happens on Monday that counts.  It's shoving the Totalitarian and his entire gang out of Government and into Hudson Bay oblivion. 

There are also rumors that Soros is shorting the Canadian dollar in a play like the one he did to England a couple decades ago.  In any case, that run on the banks up there should scare the bejabbers out of any responsible Government official.

NOTED:  The Canadian Totalitarians arrested the organizer for "Counselling to commit the offense of Mischief."  Remarkable resemblance to the Democrat Totalitarians in DC's charges of "Trespass and Parading" in the Capitol, no?

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