Sunday, January 09, 2022

Why Inflation = Fed Fart-Money

That's not exactly what the essay says, but it's very damned close.

Wauck finds another gem, which I like because it repeats what I have been saying for months.

...What the author does, after a lengthy lead-in, is explain why we’re just now experiencing inflation, after a decade of monetary madness. Basically, he says: follow the money. For years the funny money was used to prop up the Wall Street Casino. Then came Covid and the insane lockdowns, and the little people decided it was time for them to get a piece of the action, too. Or maybe the politicians, realizing what could be in the wind, decided to act preemptively  to placate the populace. The result was, the little people were bought off. So, whereas the first time we didn’t experience retail inflation (just financial inflation) because the little people were denied a share in the funny money, this time is different: This time we’re experiencing inflation because the funny money has flowed throughout the real economy....

The 'financial inflation' referred to above is the monster-increase in stocks, bonds, housing prices, and financial engineering schemes.  That began with GWBush's (the Dumber) bailout of Wall Street, GM, and Chrysler--or the Fed-Fart Money-Creation Scheme.

The ugly began to hit in '19.

...From 2015 to late 2019, the Fed attempted to draw down its balance sheet. But after dropping about $700 billion, to roughly $3.8 trillion, all hell broke loose. In September 2019, overnight money market rates spiked and the Fed had to backstop the repo market. 
This breakdown in the repo market was soon overshadowed by the mass money printing instituted to bailout the consequences of government mandated lockdowns. ...

But the ugly ain't finished.  Now retail-level inflation is hitting hard, and the Fed/Money-Master crowd cannot easily fix it, unless they want to force the collapse of a number of banks.  They learned that in '19.  But the Banks own the Fed, one way or the other.


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