Sunday, January 30, 2022

Who Is Bill Barr, Really??

We've learned a lot about Bill Barr, the AG under Trump.  Some good, more bad.

Now this.

...My understanding is that the agents working the Twin Cities in the aftermath of the riots tried to make as many cases as they could, but the message from the United States Attorney’s Office was that they would prosecute only “a handful of cases,” precisely as I described the number in my comments. The agents themselves were given to understand that only a gesture of enforcement would be made....


That was square in the middle of Barr's reign.  So it wasn't enough for Barr to screw Trump; he had to screw the rest of the country, too.

(What are the odds that Barr put similar limits on the cases in Washington and Oregon?)

1 comment:

  1. Bill Barr is Alger Hiss. Google articles by Whitney Webb.
